Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year! Did You Already Make A Wish For This Year?

A Happy New Year!!
Traditionally, in the beginning of a year Japanese people visit a Shinto shrine or a Buddhism temple to make a wish for the New Year as a resolution for the year. It is called "Hatsu-moude" and it means "The First Visit for Prayer". 

It might sounds funny, but for this "Hatsu-moude (The First Visit for Prayer) ", most Japanese don't care if they go to a Shinto shrine or a Buddhism temple. I guess it is an act of traditional customs rather than religious visit. People just pick up one place where they want to visit.

There are many major shrines and temples which are popular as tourist spots. These places are packed with people for "Hatsu-moude (The First Visit for Prayer) " every year. It would be fun to visit one of these famous places as an New Year's event, but also visiting a local small shrine or temple is nice for a quiet peaceful New Year's celebration. 

For this year I visited a small local shrine located in Takao-town, Hachioji-city, Tokyo. On January 2nd, shrine maiden's dance performances and a special kind of traditional flute performance took place at the shrine and people in the neighborhood enjoyed them as they visited for "Hatsu-moude (The First Visit for Prayer) ". The photos above are showing the performances and one of the Shinto priests there. 

Hope you will enjoy reading my blogs and seeing many places and things in Japan in this year!

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