Friday, September 27, 2019

Want to become a Samurai warrior for a day?

Please Join Us at “Hojo Ujiteru Festival 2019”!

Dress up as a Samurai and join our Samurai parade!

Scedule: October 27th (Sunday) About between 10:00am-4:00pm
Location: Moto-hachioji area, Hachioji City, Tokyo
Costume: We will provide a set of Samurai outfit for you.
Fee: No Charge for the Participation
The Number of Armors are limited, Application will Be Accepted on A First-Come-First-Served Basis
Please apply via e-mails.
All applicants’ names and e-mail addresses are necessary to apply.
Contact: Yuko Takayama 
 If you have any questions, please contact Yuko Takayama via e-mail.
Organized by NPO group: Hachioji Castle Ruins Mitsu Uroko Club

About Hojo Ujiteru:
Hojo Ujiteru was a Samurai lord during Japanese Warring States Period. Hojos were one of the major Samurai lord family at that time and Ujiteru was the third son of the head of Hojos. His main castle was set up in Hachioji area and his territory extended to current Saitama prefecture at its peak. In the 1580s, he moved to Hachioji Castle (near the current Takao town) from Takiyama Castle. However, a few years later it fell on a single day and Ujiteru was died in 1590.

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